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Showing posts from February, 2024

Boitshoko: Infusing Soul into the Bass Strings

Continuing with our Women in Music series during the month of February, the month of love, we proudly present the dynamic, soulful, and lovely Boitshoko. We had the pleasure of catching up with Boitshoko_Soulstring through social media and delving into the inspiration behind her choice of instrument. It's a rare occurrence to encounter a young, talented female bass guitarist these days. Boitshoko graciously answered our questions, and we're excited for you to find her journey as captivating as we did. **Chilliechewer:** Could you please introduce yourself to those who may not know you? Include your name, age, where you're from, and the instrument you play. **Soulstring:** I am Boitshoko Thole, known as "Soul string." I was born and raised in Pretoria. I'm a versatile bassist; I play both upright and electric bass. I've been a bassist for 6 years now. **Chilliechewer:** It's interesting that you also play the upright, which can be associated with jazz