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Boitshoko: Infusing Soul into the Bass Strings

Continuing with our Women in Music series during the month of February, the month of love, we proudly present the dynamic, soulful, and lovely Boitshoko.

We had the pleasure of catching up with Boitshoko_Soulstring through social media and delving into the inspiration behind her choice of instrument. It's a rare occurrence to encounter a young, talented female bass guitarist these days. Boitshoko graciously answered our questions, and we're excited for you to find her journey as captivating as we did.

Could you please introduce yourself to those who may not know you? Include your name, age, where you're from, and the instrument you play.

I am Boitshoko Thole, known as "Soul string." I was born and raised in Pretoria. I'm a versatile bassist; I play both upright and electric bass. I've been a bassist for 6 years now.

It's interesting that you also play the upright, which can be associated with jazz and older people. So, who encouraged or inspired you to choose the bass guitar? Considering you're a young female bass player, how has your community reacted to your musical journey?

Choosing bass for me was inspired by music itself and the "bass" sound. I didn't grow up around instrumentalists; my dad used to listen to a lot of jazz, my mom listened to gospel, and she was a singer. I think that's why I love jazz and gospel more. My ear would always pick up instruments than lyrics. I still didn't think I'd play one though; I used to sing in choirs at school. After matric, I studied and lived the "academic life" until one day while running errands, I saw an acoustic guitar. Then I took my last money and bought one. I learned the basics; a few months later, I went to a music school and learned to play bass. That was the beginning of "Soulstring." 

Music has certainly been a big part of your life from an early age. I don't doubt for a second that you were destined to be in music in some shape or form. Now tell me, who is your favorite bass player, and do you have a particular song you enjoy playing along to?

I have a few favorite bass players, locally and internationally. I'll name a few. So, my bass teacher was Mr. Solly Mokolobate; he introduced me to John Patitucci's music, and I loved listening to him when it came to playing an upright bass. Then I discovered Richard Bona; he became my favorite as well. Two years down my journey, my path crossed with my favorite bassist locally, Ishmail Ndhlovu, also from Pretoria. He became my mentor as well. The last name I'll mention is Rob Woolridge, who I discovered recently; he is now my favorite bassist for a few reasons.

I suppose you also grow and develop your playing with each new bassist you discover, growing your playing vocabulary as it were. The people you mention there are seasoned players, and I assume the bass is their life, and I would imagine it's the case for your teacher and your mentor. What does the bass guitar mean to you on a personal level?

Playing bass for me is very personal and spiritual. It is more than "work"; it is my safe place. It is how I express, sometimes it is how I connect with God and how I pray. I'm a God-fearing woman; frankly, I did not know playing bass would draw me closer to God. My gift also keeps me disciplined and focused. Now, because I have a few younger individuals I'm teaching how to play bass, that also keeps me on my toes. Bass literally plays many roles in my personal life.

It's incredible that you are passing on your knowledge and skill of the bass to a whole new generation of musicians, which leads me to this next question. Do you play other instruments, or are there any instruments you'd like to learn in the future?

I don't play any other instrument at the moment. I do play a bit of acoustic guitar since I learned with it. In the future, I'd love to learn how to play the lead guitar and a harp; I guess I just have a thing with strings.

Speaking of the future, what kind of future would you like to see for women in music? What is your perspective on the evolving role of women in the music industry?

I really think, and this is because I experienced it a lot in my previous years, women do and can play instruments. It is just society standards and expectations that rooted inequality issues when it comes to music. I think now the pressure is subsiding slowly but surely; women are being visible and accepted in the music industry, specifically instrumentalists. I believe it's only a matter of time that women will fill the music industry, and it will become normal for society.

Powerful sentiments; indeed, you obviously experienced your challenges trying to create your path in the music industry. Could you share any advice for aspiring female artists, especially those playing or considering picking up an instrument?

My advice is, believe in yourself. When you decide to pick up that instrument, do it for you. There will be negative comments, criticism; you cannot run away from that. I like to put it this way, "there will be rocks thrown at you, pick them up and build your own castle." Only you know what your vision is. Focus on it, go for it, for you. Don't try to be someone else; the world is great enough for all of us, occupy your space.

"Occupy your own space," she said. Boitshoko AKA Soulstring is certainly one to look out for as she forges her path. A true inspiration for many young black sisters in a space that is largely occupied by men. Follow her on her social media platforms and be part of her journey.


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